Add/drop deadlines

The last date to add/drop Fall term courses without grade designation is 2024-01-15. Please act accordingly.


  • Discussion: Thursdays 11:00-12:30

Weekly schedule

Date Week Topic Due
Jan 11 1 Introduction and review  
Jan 18 2 :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: HW1
Jan 25 3 Factor variables  
    Organizing your work ~ Factor variables ~ HW2 ~ HW2 notes  
Feb 01 4 Model formulas HW2
    Model formulas  
Feb 08 5 Building linear models  
    Building linear models ~ HW3 ~ HW3 notes  
Feb 15 6 Logistic regression HW3
    Logistic regression ~ HW4 ~ HW4 notes  
Feb 22 7 Generalized linear models HW4
    Generalized linear models ~ Journal reporting requirements  
Feb 29 8 Log linear models  
    Log linear models ~ HW5 ~ HW5 notes  
Mar 07 9 Tidyverse: Data transformations & tibbles HW5
    Data transformations ~ Tibbles ~ HW6 ~ HW6 notes  
Mar 14 10    
Mar 21 11 Tidyverse: Tidy data and relational data HW6
    Tidy data ~ Relational data  
Mar 28 12 Tidyverse: Strings  
    Strings, factors, and dates ~ HW7 ~ HW7 notes  
Apr 04 13 Data manipulation ecosystems in R HW7
    base vs tidyverse vs data.table ~ A taste of data.table ~ HW8 ~ HW8 notes  
Apr 11 14 Censored data HW8
    Survival analysis  
Apr 18 15 Divide and gather  
    Many models ~ HW9 ~ HW9 notes  
Apr 25 16 Linear mixed models HW9
    Linear mixed models ~ HW10 ~ HW10 notes  
May 02 17 Overflow HW10, Optional project draft (V0)
May 09 18 Overflow Compulsory project draft (V1)
    Project guidelines ~ BXD longevity data  
May 16 19 Student presentations Presentations, Final project (V2)
    Order: Lee, Glasper, Belachew, Boateng, Gebreyesus, Twum, Nnamani  

Course objectives

  • Understand the model formula syntax for specifying regresison models
  • Implement advanced regression techniques such as and generalized linear models (eg. logistic regression)
  • Manipulate “messy” data into a “tidy” form

Other topics such as survival analysis and hierarchical models may be covered depending on student interest.


BIOE805 or consent of instructor.

Course director

Saunak Sen, PhD
Professor, Division of Biostatistics
Department of Preventive Medicine
645 Doctors Office Building
66 North Pauline Street


  • Participation: 20 (1 point per class, 4 points overall)
  • Homeworks: 40 (4 points per homework)
  • Final project: 40 (30 for paper and code, 10 for presentation)
Points Grade
00-40 F
41-50 D
51-60 C
61-80 B
81-100 A

See grading page for more details.

Course policies


  • Please be on time, and bring a laptop to class. If nobody shows up within the first 15 minutes of a regularly scheduled session or office hours, the meeting will terminate.
  • All assignments must be submitted on Blackboard by the time specified there.
  • Students are expected to follow the honor code.
  • Co-operation between students is permitted, and should be cited (eg. “Jane Doe helped me debug the code for producing the scatterplot.”).
  • If you have any questions, use the Blackboard discussion forum. This way everyone benefits. Use email only if the question is confidential.

Use of generative AI

  • Follow UTHSC policy.
  • Use of generative AI is permitted, but (a) you have to cite it and (b) you have to generate the prompts in your own words. Copying any class material into a generative AI would constitute a violation of class policy.