
  • Participation: 20 (one point for every class, 4 points for participation)
  • Homeworks: 40 (4 points per homework)
  • Final project: 40 (30 for paper and code, 10 for presentation)
Points Grade
00-40 F
41-50 D
51-60 C
61-80 B
81-100 A


Sign attendance sheet; questions/comments during class, participation in discussion boards appreciated.

Performance Points
Absent or unsatisfactory presence 0
Present and satisfactory participation 1
  • Unsatisfactory presence: Disruptive behavior, or inattention in class.
  • Satisfactory presence (default): Responsive and attentive in class.

Up to 4 points will be awarded for contributing insight (eg. relating a concept discussed in class to relatable research experience, pointing out mistakes by instructor, offering helpful analogies).


There will be 10 homeworks assigned. Points will be awarded as follows.

Performance Points
Non submission 0
Unsatisfactory completion 1-2
Satisfactory completion 3
Outstanding work 4
  • Unsatisfactory completion: No answers to some questions, incomplete or sloppy submission, poor writing, late submission.
  • Satisfactory completion (default): Complete, timely submission.
  • Outstanding work: Good writing, use of advanced statistical methods.

Final project

The final project should be a data analysis report accompanied by source code. The project topic (dataset, question) should be finalized by Week10. You may work in groups of up to 4. Individual contributions should be clearly stated. Each project will be asked to give a short presentation.

Students will be evaluated on their ability to demonstrate their mastery of the key course objectives.

Performance Exceeded Met (default) Partially met Not met
Written document 25-30 20-25 10-19 0-9
Presentation 9-10 6-8 4-5 0-3

Assessment of individuals in group projects

All students in a group project will get the same grade.

Written paper

We will start with the default grade of 23, and add or subtract points based on fidelity to guidelines.

  • Positives: Clear writing, clean commented code, use of advanced statistical methods (eg. bootstrap), clever algorithms good tables or figures, identification of limitations in approach, use of appropriate guidelines for study.
  • Negatives: Inappropriate use of statistical methods, incorrect interpretation of statistical procedures, inappropriate study design, cluttered presentation (eg. too many decimal points, or incorrectly labeled graphs), not including code, uncommented code.


We will start with the default grade of 7, with points added or subtracted based on clarity and thoroughness of presentation.